
Cataloging of Assets


The valuable videographic heritage, especially that referring to educational and cultural works and those that are understood as heritage of public interest - made up of the collections of different institutions throughout the national territory - requires a strategic cataloging task. In response to this need, inter-institutional consensus efforts have been made that have yielded significant results. In addition to this work and in search of high quality in cataloging work, it is very useful to establish a standard to guide videographic cataloging work and to allow, between institutions, the functional exchange of content information. of the collections.

The Mexican Standard for the Cataloging of Videographic Assets presents a cataloging policy that considers the data to be included in the description of videographic works. In order to carry it out (by the Technical Committee for National Documentation Standardization), several national and international cataloging rules belonging to different areas were reviewed and evaluated. The result of this analysis was structured according to the Guide for the Drafting, Structuring and Presentation of Mexican Standards, a guideline that maintains a unified criterion with that of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that takes as a fundamental basis for the elaboration of standards the “ ISO Guide for the presentation of international standards and technical reports ”.

At Postech we have technological solutions and consulting services for their implementation.

